Alternative, Videos | Timeflies Tuesday: Lights Collide

Posted by on April 18, 2012

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My apologies for the delay on this week’s Timeflies Tuesday.  The whole “Massachusetts state holiday” thing on Marathon Monday hrew me off and I still haven’t settled into my weekly routine.  Running into some technical difficulties on the tour bus, Res and Cal bring us an alternative Timeflies Tuesday, as their original “banger” was lost when the bus’ power suddenly shut off.  Covering Howie Day’s 2004 radio friendly slow jam, “Collide”, Cal adds a bit of autotune to his voice, which I think personally detracts from the purity for a nice mellow track.   Beggars can’t be choosers and lesson #89 in life, “Timeflies never fail.”  Enjoy this baby making jam and get the moon shoes ready for next week’s bangerang-er.