Voli, Brenton Duvall, Chris Webby
Posted by Grubeats on December 22, 2011
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Voli is on fire. Dropping this brand new track entitled ” Blood, Sweat, & Tears”, there’s no word where it will find a home, but one thing is for sure, it’s a gem. Fellow Dreamville artist, Elite, proved to he’s one of the hardest working individuals in the game and although it should not come as a surprise, Voli maintains a similar work ethic and skill level. He himself dropped a mixtape just over three months ago, leaving no time for a vacation. Self produced, this track is a x-ray into Voli’s life. I certainly can taste the blood sweat and tears he leaves in the booth on this track. The video is nothing like I’ve seen before. Two thumbs up for director Patrick Florescio.
DOWNLOAD: Voli – Blood, Sweat, & Tears (Prod. by Voli)
DOWNLOAD: Voli – In The Meanwhile [Previous Mixtape]
When Brenton Duval is with us, he’s one of the best at what he does. Unfortunately, we have not seen much of him over the past several months. The game needs more original production remixes of up and coming artists work. Here Brenton takes Cuey & CJ Luzi’s title track off one of the best mixtapes of the year (Download Here) and slows it down without compromising the quality. A slower beat with a heavy hit from the bass really fits the song well and helps emphasizes the progression of Cuey’s career and how it is finally coming to fruition. Cuey for breakout artist of 2012? Shout out to our friends at itsthebino for the premier.
DOWNLOAD: OnCue – Can’t Wait (Brenton Duval Remix)
Also fresh:
DOWNLOAD: OnCue – The Geoffrey
Yes it’s only been a couple weeks since Chris Webby released his debut EP, which premiered on iTunes and quickly climbed up to the #1 spot on the hip-hop charts. Deeply distressed over a recent passing of a close friend, Webby found himself back in the studio sending his love through his words. Produced by his tour DJ, DJ Semi, the track samples “The Kid’s Aren’t Alright” by the Offspring. Unfortunately, many of us can relate to this track.
DOWNLOAD: Chris Webby – Fragile Lives (Prod. by DJ Semi)
Tags: Blood Sweat Tears Voli Video, Brenton Duval Remix, Brenton Duvall, Can't Wait, Chris Webby, Cuey, Dreamville, Elite, Fragile Lives, OnCue, Sweat, track, Voli