Humpday Bangers w/ Brobible

Posted by on June 24, 2010

Check out this week’s humpday bangers below.

In some unrelated “bro news” I was on the phone w/ Big Life today. If you don’t know why we call him Big Life then you haven’t met him in person. Anyways, Big Life iced Chiddy Bang on stage at Summer 618. Apparently, there’s some footage of it circulating around the internet as well. Funny enough, Chiddy Bang refused the icing. Fresh New Tracks is calling on all bros to demand an apology from Chiddy Bang for being in direct breach of the bro/icing laws. In their defense, the argument can be made that Chiddy Bang simply wasn’t hip to the phenomenon. This argument is a poor one because it further highlights how out of touch Chiddy Bang is with the brommunity. I’m a Chiddy Bang fan, but I’ve gotta call it like I see it.

Download: Humpday Bangers w/ BroBible

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