Electronic | The Golden Age of Wrestling Lets Out His Video Game Vibes In ‘Ferrari Rocher’

Posted by on September 1, 2023

Witnessing the evolution of The Golden Age of Wrestling is akin to viewing the restoration of an old painting, where every brushstroke reveals another layer of depth and color. Cancade doesn’t just create music; he is crafting a sensory experience, a bridge connecting epochs of electronic music and emotion.

“Ferrari Rocher”, with its nod to the past and embrace of the avant-garde, exemplifies how TGAOW has mastered the art of musical balance. By drawing on elements from the golden age of gaming and weaving them with contemporary musical techniques, Cancade invites listeners to journey with him, as he challenges and expands our preconceived notions of ambient music.

Jeff Cancade’s brainchild isn’t just about rekindling memories or inciting nostalgia; it’s about reshaping the soundscape of our memories and pushing us to expect more from the ambient genre. This is evident from the names of his tracks – each title reminiscent of a classic wrestling move, yet the music they encapsulate is far from what one would expect from their namesakes.

Being in the audience at a TGAOW live show is a sensory odyssey. With each pulsating beat and every glowing light, the boundaries between the past, present, and future blur, leading us to question the nature of time itself. In the digital age where there’s an over-saturation of music and art, The Golden Age of Wrestling stands out, not just as a beacon of innovation but as a shining example to the power of blending history with the futuristic.