Epikker Win Legal Battle, Happily Releasing Long-Awaited ‘VibeKing’ and ‘VibeQueen (Rising High)’

Posted by on November 7, 2023

In October, Epikker, the electronic duo composed of Suniel Fox and Henry Strange, is gearing up to release two new tracks, “Vibeking” and “Vibequeen (Rising High).” Officially released in October, these tracks emerge as a creative output reflecting the duo’s recent confrontations and victories.

Complications arose with the resemblance of “Vibeking” to The Weeknd’s hit, sparking a legal confrontation that threatened to derail their momentum. However, it was this very struggle that brought a new voice into the fold—Luminiah. Her compelling vocals gave new life to “Vibequeen (Rising High),” a beacon of self-empowerment and an ode to reclaiming one’s core.

The essence of “Vibeking” lies in its core—a synthesizer laying down haunting chords, which morph into an expansive sound. This track is less about the storm that led to its creation and more about the hypnotic journey it takes you on. The rhythm is a slow burn; it creeps up on you and wraps around like a velvet cloak, emanating not just sound but emotion and atmosphere.

Then comes “Vibequeen (Rising High),” where the addition of Luminiah’s vocals transforms the track into an anthem of resurgence. Her voice adds texture to the tune, blending seamlessly with the pulsating beats to echo a message of empowerment. It’s easy to imagine this track flowing through the speakers, the bass and her voice entwining to lift the room into a collective high.

Together, these tracks aren’t trying to tell you a story—they’re inviting you to feel one. “Vibeking” captures a mood, a moment of deep reflection, while “Vibequeen (Rising High)” seems to answer back with a triumphant call to rise above.

Epikker’s journey might have shaped these tracks, but the music stands on its own, inviting listeners to find pieces of their own stories within its layers. As the release date approaches, the anticipation isn’t just about hearing from Epikker—it’s about experiencing the immersive world they’ve created, one beat at a time.

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