Golf Clap Drops House Heater “Lose It” on hau5trap
Posted by VMan on June 10, 2021
Making a massive debut on deadmau5’s hau5trap imprint, Golf Clap shines in his brand new “Lose It.” Out now worldwide, the four-on-the-floor fire is chock-full of larger than life snares and booming synths. Constantly reinventing the wheel, Golf Clap melds timeless house beats with nuanced basslines to create an effortless track best suited for moving and grooving into the early hours of the morning.
“The idea behind ‘Lose It’ was to create something simple yet effective and hopefully make it timeless in the process. Most music these days seems overly complicated and I wanted to really drive the point with a super solid baseline and kind of let that speak for itself.” – Golf Clap