Toyko Share Exciting New Hyperpop Single “Looking For Fun”
Posted by VMan on March 26, 2021
Following their distorted trap ballad “How Do You Sleep at Night?,” as well as their massive album Body Pillow, Vol. 2, Toyko are back with a brand new hyperpop gem, sharing exciting single “Looking For Fun.” Made up of Los Angeles-based songwriters/producers Matt Wiggers and Zac White, Toyko is a collaborative effort that has seen considerable success over the past couple of years with releases on labels such as Lowly, as well as a string of boundary-pushing singles.
“Looking For Fun” is without a doubt one of Toyko’s most exciting tracks to date: a short yet sweet single that compiles everything we love about the duo: distorted bass, attention-grabbing lyricism and playful melodies. Starting off with an atmosphere filled with bright piano and strings, “Looking For Fun” quickly transitions into an uplifting anthem, driven by groovy drums and a creative vocal arrangement. As Toyko explain:
“When I was writing the song lyrics I was writing them from my experience of just being kinda socially awkward. It might just be my internal monologue- but sometimes I get this impression that when I first meet new people I’m extra reserved and come off as uptight/shy. But then there’s this other side of me that once I just cross the boiling point of barely knowing someone I really put my full weird/crazy self out there and maybe go a little overboard. These sorts of behaviours I have combined with a previous history with alcohol/partying are what kind of fuelled the narrative in this song.”
Tags: Toyko