Shlizk Gives A Taste Of Her “Personality Disorder” In New Single

Posted by on August 20, 2019

Shlizk has been a rising nicely in both the DJ and production world, given her efforts in both areas. It’s a bit of a no-brainier that an incline for the well-branded, actively releasing artist would naturally begin to happen. “Personality Disorder” is the next step for the soloist, dousing listeners in a gradual rise of bass in the beginnings. As the single progresses, the drop suspense finally breaks and gritty, sometimes robotic-inspired drops rinses the listener with a vengeance. The single’s abrupt ending leave’s you wanting more.

Having performed at dozens of clubs and also achieving a high status in a past corporate life, success follows Shlizk wherever she goes . New York’s Ashley Haenel is one to keep an eye on for certain.

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