Elli Ingram – Poetic Justice (Cover)

Posted by on July 9, 2013

ELLIingram poetic justic

My affinity for female, British pop singers is just too much for me to handle sometimes. My newest crush goes by the name of Elli Ingram. Hailing from Brighton, England Elli has honed her talents from a very young age. Inspired by the likes of Amy Winehouse and Lauryn Hill, it’s easy to see where this vocalist gets her soulful, R&B flare.

The 19 year old soon-to-be star has just released her EP entitled Sober. The alcohol and drug-infused subject matter of the EP is one that you might not expect from a teenager, however, it becomes quite clear that Elli is not your average teen with a dream of stardom.

The standout from the EP, and song that originally peaked my interest, was her rendition of Kendrick Lamar and Drake’s “Poetic Justice”. The cover manages to pump endless emotion in to an already emotion-filled song, and gives the average music listener some great new material to belt out in the shower.

Ingram is young and has already proved herself to many major players in the industry, if she keeps progressing it will be no time at all before she is a household name.

Enjoy the cover and hop over to Elli’s website to grab the full EP.

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