HALLYWOOD X – Rescue Me (Original Mix)

Posted by on July 11, 2012


If you follow the small, bespectacled powerhouse better known as Sonny Moore, you’ll remember when this video dropped back in February, and you’ll also remember the frenzy that it stirred up on the Interwebs. The line between man and beast blurred as crazed Skrillex fans scrambled to pin down the ID for the song playing in the background. Was it a new collaboration? Unreleased Alvin Risk? Or was it simply another one of the many, many unfinished tracks gathering dust on Skrillex’s harddrive? Unfortunately, the trail rapidly dried up, and ranks of once-steadfast YouTube commenters gradually began to accept that they would never learn the name of the infectiously catchy song with the thrilling lasers and fierce wobbles.

Until four days ago. When a full, high-quality version of the song materialized without any warning whatsoever, as if by the very hand of God. No, this was no Alvin track — it was in fact brought into this world by one HALLYWOOD X, who has been a member of Soundcloud for exactly one week and might prove to be nothing more than a wonderful, glorious mirage. I’m not sure, friends, but I look forward to following him in the days ahead as anyone who can credibly be mistaken for Skrillex and Alvin Risk is clearly someone to watch carefully. Head to HALLYWOOD X’s Soundcloud for two more excellent remixes (of Diplo/Usher’s “Climax” and “Spectrum” — tis the season, after all).

DONWLOAD: HALLYWOOD X – Rescue Me (Original Mix)


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