Logic – Young Sinatra (Mixtape)
Posted by Grubeats on September 19, 2011
“Mafiatic mindstate, Hip-Hop heads never die we multiply then dominate” -Logic
With that being said, where are all my hip-hop heads at? Logic has been a regular feature here on FNT over the past couple of months with the release of his three previous visual singles off this project, “Mind Of Logic” as well as “Young Sinatra II” & “Just Another Day“, as he has quickly rose to a favorite for hip-hop fans around the blogosphere. This 22 track project has finally arrived, and the self dubbed, “Young Sinatra” takes another step forward in his journey to success.
“I can feel it now the fame is coming soon, how can sky be the limit when there’s footprints on the moon”
It’s not often talent like this strikes us out of the blue. Logic has exploded on the scene, showcasing uncanny delivery with his crispy clean voice and meaningful lyrics. Still only 21 years old, Logic is an artist that I truly believe yields the potential to make a successful and prosperous career in the game. His progression since his breakout mixtape, “Young Broke, & Infamous” is definitely evident, even though I was completely beside myself when I first heard his debut tape. Rather than mixing in some industry beats and remixes as he did on his previous tape, Logic brings us an all original piece of work, working with various producers and collecting only a few features. One of the most confident young artist’s out there, he is not scared to share his feelings with his fans, boasting his life accomplishments on record. You have to know you have talent when you compare yourself to arguably one of the greatest faces in music, Frank Sinatra. Typically, I’d resent that, but here, I can’t help but embrace it.
Upon initial discovery of Logic, the first artist that came to mind was J. Cole. Huge shoes to fill, yes, but too many similarities for my not to at least explore the belief. Logic is definitely his own artist and is not biting anyone’s style, but his lyrical mindset, the way he carries himself, his story, etc, remind me of a young J. Cole. Only time will tell, but listen to this project and maybe my comparison won’t sound so obscure.
Hit the jump for my Fav 5 off this project, the back album art, his previous tape, & more!
My Top 5 (so far, in no particular order):
1.) “Shine On”
2.) “Mind Of Logic”- ft. Camille Michelle Gray
3.) “Juice”
4.) “Growing Pains II” …(he goes off acapella at the end)
5.) “Are You Ready” ft. Phil Ade
Download Previous Mixtape: “Young, Broke, & Infamous”
P.S. BIGLIFE isn’t the only one “BULLISH” about Logic, GruBeats got goosebumps from this kids music
Tags: artist, Baltimore Hip-Hop, Broke, hip, J. Cole, Logic, Mind Of Logic, music, project, tape, Young, Young Sinatra