Albums | LICK & Whipped Cream’s collab “THE GREATEST” is Bass Music Heaven

Posted by on July 7, 2019

Electric Forest is a magical place where many artists choose to unveil new music. That’s just what LICK and Whipped Cream did this year, much to their fans delight. The unexpected duo debuted their single “THE GREATEST” during Whipped Cream’s set and it absolutely went off.

Fast forward to Friday and those not in attendance at E Forest got their first taste of the bass filled collab. A steady beat and heavy synths accentuate this festival banger. Get your neck brace ready before you hit play below.

Trap | Whipped Cream & Hekler’s “Mirrors” EP A Breath Of Fresh Air

Posted by on April 6, 2017

Bass music has a tendency to have a lot of saturation of similar sounds, the genre – somewhat – has barriers that makes a bass song a “bass song,” which can come off as restricting and create more saturation of similar sounds. Enter Whipped Cream and Hekler, who seem to not only put the elements that make a great bass song in an order that feels new, but also showcase a plethora of suprsing sounds within the experience of Mirrors EP.

The 5 track EP takes us on a ride that has softer, nostalgic feeling sounds, unbelievably heavy banger moments, and everything in-between, while keeping a trap and bass feel on each track across the board. This was more than an EP, this was a journey.