Hip-Hop, Trap | E L Y – Life’s a Bitch Edit
Posted by yabishcic on October 8, 2013

Chicago reppin’, E L Y can bump out some seriously good instrumentals on the daily. Most of his music takes on a classical hip-hop sound and this is why this Nas edit made my head turn right off the bat. With the synced synth’s and Nas’s modulated voice to fit the beat perfectly, the chorus is what really brings it all together; “Life’s a bitch, and then you die. That’s why we get high, cuz you never know when you’re gonna goooo”. Couldn’t have said it better myself. I contacted & chatted it up with ELy for a little before dropping this post to get a better take on his music ambitions; “I have a mad love for hip-hop and I’m also an accomplished trap DJ under the name E1y. My main focus is instrumentals – instrumentals out the ass.” I took a listen to his DJ set’s as well – THEY GO ALL THE WAY. Here’s a player to both sooooo play on.
P.S. There’s free downloads for both, so take advantage!