Hip-Hop, Mixtapes | Huey Mack – A Boy Named Hue [Mixtape]
Posted by LoffyG on April 22, 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to present to you Huey Mack’s 3rd mixtape installment, A Boy Named Hue. As an artist, Huey has come a long way since he released his debut mixtape, Bright Lights And Long Nights back in 2010. With the varying tempos of this project there is sure to be a song that will fit any mood. Whether it’s a song for those “Nights We Live For” or just something to take you a little “Higher”, A Boy Named Hue will deliver. Preview the tracks below and pick up the tape on iTunes or download free!
DOWNLOAD:Huey Mack – A Boy Named Hue [Mixtape]