Electro-House | Cedric Gervais – Molly (Wild Boyz! & Nima G Remix)

Posted by on September 18, 2012

After having the luxury of a press pass and dancing with event staff at Electric Zoo while the speakerz mere inches away pumped my blood. I now look at the level of bass in each song. What do I want to dance to? I want to dance to Wild Boyz. This duo with 20 yearz of combined sound technician history have performed with Stevey A and my main betch, Nero. After developing their sound to the Duran Duran soundtrack “Wild Boyz” the name stuck and this duo have begun to take off across the country. They will have showz in San Fran, New England and New York City. Find some ticketz at their website. They are currently ranked 35 on beatport so they’re like mainstream, but not…at the same time. Perf.
Download: Cedric Gervais – Molly (Wild Boyz! & Nima G Remix)
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