Drum & Bass, Electro | Die Antwoord – Dis Iz Why I’m Hot (Five Suns Remix)
Posted by yabishcic on October 21, 2013

Not gonna lie, this song gave me goosebumps when I thought about hearing it in a big room environment with the DJ blasting it from stage. Set for a festival, this is where this song belongs. Five Suns totally took Die Antwoord’s crazy style and flipped it for the masses. If you aren’t familiar with Die Antwoord, search Fatty Boom Boom in YouTube and then you’ll be acclimated. A high five for Five Suns though. Such a notable rework.
Dubstep | Die Antwoord – Fok Julie Naaiers (Nero Bootleg)
Posted by Sev on July 17, 2012
Nero is just hitting one million fans? This is a shock to me being as they are one of the biggest duo’s+vocalist group in dubstep and probably one of the freshest live acts. Either way they decided that since this little bootleg wasn’t ever going to see a release they would grace us with this aweseome freebie of Die Antwoord’s Fok Julie Naaiers. I have to say I’m not to crazy about Die Antwoord and their unorthodox style, but Nero is Nero and there is no passing on that. Their Soundcloud won’t allow me to share it so grab the download HERE